I'm just in a euphoric state of mind that I can't explain...
It sounds like the lyric to a song but it's not!Today I went for a very stereotypical bike ride in the city, what can I say, we Europeans...
I just had to think about stuff
I had important stuff to do
And I just blew it all
To go for a random bike ride alone
Like an Italian movie from the 20s
It was beautiful
I felt light for once
I was flying
I was thinking about how I spent a night with the guy of my DREAMS after getting drunk at a party,
and now he won't call me... it's ok...
that one night stand was better than nothing. It was better than not ever getting to have him
And he is probably never going to be mine again
I'm gonna shower now, I smell like cigarettes
I wish for all of you to one day feel how I felt that night...