Augh, as Ive said before, I fail at fasting!!
Nevertheless, yesterday (second day of fasting) went pretty well, I stuck to drinking water only most of the day (except for coffee in the morning and a Vitamin Water 0 at lunch – no harm there) except I got asked out by a REALLY cool and awesome guy last night. Of course he had to take me out to dinner to a
fancy restaurant, right??
Bleh. I ordered the yummiest vegetable burger in the world, and luckily he didn’t question why I only ate a quarter of it :P
(*** This evil was purged later on of course)
Then we went to see the new facebook movie!! It was so good. I freakin loved it. And yay I didn’t get ANY movie snacks! I was kinda craving diet coke, but whatevs, I decided to stay faithful to water :-)
He got really close to me during the movie, and after it he took me for a super romantic car drive to a place where we could see the whole city in
lights….woooow. Ad of course, Miana and Hot Guy made out for a couple hours or so. I looooooooooove how he kept complimenting my ribs! :P :P :P
Pretty sure just from that I burnt al the calories from the “dinner”, but nevertheless I exercised for two and a half hours when I came home and even purged a little :-)
Mk, enough
soap opera!
To those super nice bloggers who asked on my last post,
indeed those were pictures of me. Sorry that they were kinda cutoff and in black and white, but I’m really doing as much as I can to protect my identity here. Thanks so much for all the nice and supportive comments!!!
I wish I felt the same way when I look in the mirror…I do love my ribs though. They’ve always stuck out like that,
through…thick and thin ;-) This morning (third day) when I weighed in I was
117.5 pounds!! Yay! I doubt it’s gonna stay that way though, since I was extremely dehydrated when I woke up and I had used the restroom O_o. But I feel good anyway.
As I mentioned in the last couple posts, I’m starting a 5-day lemon cleanse as part of my H4C fast. Users
Zette and
Lucidity said they’d like to start it with me, but at least one of them is probably gonna start on Tuesday. That’s fine!! Just let me know how it goes, beautifuls.
I’m just using a simple internet recipe:
- Two tablespoons of lemon juice (I make one of them lime juice just cause I like it better)
- Two tablespoons of REAL maple syrup --- that’s what the recipe says, but I’ll probably just use like one and a half, and I’m still deciding if I wanna use warm honey instead?)
- A dash or two of cayenne pepper, according to taste
- Dilute this all in as many ounces of water as you’d like.
I have the recipe in the English system instead of metric because I notice that that’s probably what the majority of my readers use :/
The recipe varies sometimes, but the ingredients are almost always the same and the scope of the cleanse is too.
Good luck to all my skinnies !!!!!
I love hearing about how your fasts and whatever other adventures go!!
PS: sorry for the long post…:P Hope it was somewhat interesting though!